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Wallet Cards

Wallet Card

Checkout the CRU website:


View and print a FreerLife witness wallet card here.

Meghan used the Four Spiritual Laws evangelistic tract from Cru (Campus Crusade for Christ International in the U.S.) to present a clear explanation of the gospel of Jesus Christ while on an evangelistic mission trip to Ecuador.  FreerLife has been given permission from Cru to use excerpts from the Four Spiritual Laws to be incorporated into the FreerLife wallet card.


We encourage people who want to share the gospel with others to carry and use the FreerLife wallet card.  It can be used in conjunction with the wristband or on its own.  It is designed to be carried in any wallet or phone ID/credit card holder.   


The FreerLife wallet card’s front and back pages are designed to honor Meghan.  The additional six pages are excerpts from the Four Spiritual Laws to be used to help someone accept Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior. To request wallet cards, please email We will provide at no charge. Or you can print your own copies via link on this page.


Let’s share Jesus with as many people as possible so they can receive the abundant and freer life!

(John 10:10 & 2 Corinthians 3:17)




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