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Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.

 2 Corinthians 3:17 

FreerLife is a private ministry of the Freer family, in memory of Meghan. It is not part of the GriefHope 501(c)(3) non-profit organization

Tree of Life

Meghan's Mission

Her Story


Meghan Freer lived a life dedicated to loving God and loving others with everything she was.  Her 21 years of life were characterized by her deep desire to show the love of God to everyone.  Raised in a Christian home, she accepted Jesus Christ as her Savior at a young age and spent her life growing in, learning about, and serving Him. 


She was a college student, majoring in Christian Ministries and Spanish. She wanted to combine her love of God and love of other cultures in a way that would allow her to spread the Gospel around the world.  In college, she went on mission trips to Mexico and Ecuador and studied abroad for a semester in Spain.  These experiences were extensions of the person God made Meghan to be. She loved adventure. She was creative and artistic. Her laugh was contagious. She enjoyed theatre, playing soccer, and loved all animals (except bugs!).  She was involved in several children’s ministries and a Scripture engagement project.  But, without a doubt, Meghan’s greatest love was spending time with people in very intentional, relational ways, to encourage one another in their Christian walks. 


She had a heart for missions and intended to be a full-time missionary after college.  She believed strongly in evangelism and discipleship.  On her last mission trip to Ecuador, her team partnered with Cru and used evangelistic tools to share the Gospel with college students.  She was privileged to introduce a student to Jesus and help him pray a prayer of salvation.


The purpose of this website and the associated tools and resources is to continue the legacy and mission of Meghan.  She wanted to share the love of Jesus with the world.  Will you?


Jesus said: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’  This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’  All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”
(Matthew 22:37-40)


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